Forums - Cvs2:Everything A-groove Show all 52 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Cvs2:Everything A-groove ( Posted by strider86 on 11:23:2001 06:34 AM: Cvs2:Everything A-groove i'm interested in a-groove as much as all of you a-groove players out there, so i started a thread and i'll be updating this thread if anyone of you reply with some a-groove combos and combos of my own. so start researching i want to know the real potential of this groove. i've read alot of the threads regarding a-groove now let's input what combos we've developed till now. Posted by Havoc911 on 11:23:2001 08:06 AM: A-Groove is my favorite groove in the game. Its basics allow for good mobility with dash and roll plus it gives you safe fall. But, as everyone knows, A-Groove's real power comes in CCs. A lot of people disregard CCs as being too hard to do in a match, or not worth the trouble, but what other technique in the game allows you to punish the way CCs do? The best thing about CCs is the start-up. The fact that you only have to press two buttons to start the CC means that you don't have to recognize things as quickly, so you have more time to assess situations and deal with them accordingly. Couple the easy start-up with the invincible start-up, and you've got something going for you (this is, of course old news to Alpha players). Good CCs take off more than Lv. 3 supers, and they charge even quicker than 3 C Groove levels. Given the multitude of situations in which CCs are appropriate, the damage that they do, plus the instant invincible start-up, plus guard crush ability, CCs have got a lot of things going for them. Anti-Air CCs are probably the most deadly, since they make it so that anything your opponent does off of the ground leaves them with half of their life gone. Once your opponent realizes this, it's even easier to land your ground CCs since your opponent is on the defensive so much. My main A-Groove teams use different combinations of Dhalsim, Todo, Rolento, Terry, Ken, Iori, Sakura, Kyo, Sagat, Hibiki, Athena, and probably a few others that I'm forgetting. I guess I'll give a few combos for some of them. Sakura (anywhere) [s. FP XX Short Shunpuukyaku] x3, s. FP XX [Roundhouse Shunpuukyaku-> cr. FK] x2 XX Roundhouse Shunpuukyaku-> Midare Zakura Kyo (anywhere) [s. FP XX Dokugami (1st punch only)] x5-> oc. RH x4 XX Final Showdown Hibiki (anywhere) [cr. FP x3 XX QCB+JP] xN-> cr. RH-> s. FP XX super Those are just a sample. I don't really think I've covered much of A Groove at all, and I'm not even sure that I'm coherent right now (it's like 4 AM and I just got in), so I'll shut up now. Posted by kafuin_gaira on 11:23:2001 03:02 PM: i was inpsired by one of the a-groove combo vids on gcc to become an a-groovaholic but of course i couldn't pull off any one of those combos if my life depended upon it (which it invariably does in matches at the arcade) i use bison, sagat, and ken or zangeif. the first three have obviously sick potential for ccs, but i can never practice against the cpu or anything to try them out. any suggestions on how to approach the cc? note: i don't rely on supers to win matches but i am inclined to show off a little if the opportunity presents itself. Posted by hyt on 11:23:2001 03:28 PM: First of all, I'm an A-Groove scrub. I just started picking it up a while ago and experimented with some elementary combos... I made up some simple but damaging (between lvl 2 and lvl 3 super damage) CCs for Kyo... midscreen to corner df+HK x n, Mu Shiki (aka Final Showdown) I'd call this the lazyman's combo (like the Ken CC and to some extent the Benimaru CC) because you just have to mash on the HK. Of course since you move forward, it's an excellent way to pass through fireballs and then you can change up to the other CCs below midscreen to corner {s.HP, MP Aragami} x n, df+HK, Mu Shiki (aka Final Showdown) Havoc911: I tried using Dokugami instead of Aragami and found that after 3 repetitions in the corner you get pushed away. Maybe it's my timing... I can't seem to get the Mu Shiki to combo off either s.HP or the Aragami... again, it's probably timing and df+HK makes it easier corner MP Oniyaki cancel to c.HP, {c.HP} x n, Orochi Nagi A slightly lazy combo, but the c.HPs have to be timed right or else you cannot cancel into another one off the recovery. Start doing the Orochi Nagi motion as soon as you press the last c.HP midscreen AA to corner {MP Oniyaki, df+HK} x n, Aragami, hcb+P, P (OTG), c.HP, 75 Shiki Kai HK HK, dp+HK (sorry, forgot some of the names) Featured on the BAS video, this combo is challenging to execute and very rewarding. It can also be used to counter close pokes. The purpose of the c.HK => 75 SHiki Kai => dp+HK is simply to build a decent amount of meter. If guarded, continue for 60% guard meter damage!!! CC Finishers: ground: df+HK => Mu Shiki c.HP => 75 Shiki Kai => dp+HK (build meter, might not work but it could be just me) air: Aragami => hcb+P => P => c.HP => 75 SHiki Kai => dp+HK c.HP => Orochi Nagi Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 03:48 PM: I love a-groove... I love A-groove! I believe it's because of my SFA2 background. If ya want some A-groove Chun-Li stuff, head on over to the ]CvS2 Chun Li Everything thread. I posted some general A-groove information and combos there. Posted by pulsr on 11:23:2001 03:50 PM: The boot leg CC.. hit 1 button over and over.. hehe Posted by Havoc911 on 11:23:2001 07:18 PM: quote: Originally posted by hyt midscreen to corner {s.HP, MP Aragami} x n, df+HK, Mu Shiki (aka Final Showdown) Havoc911: I tried using Dokugami instead of Aragami and found that after 3 repetitions in the corner you get pushed away. Maybe it's my timing... Yeah, it's definately your timing, because the Dokugami does work. Also, I think it is more damaging to cut off the FP XX Dokugami portion of the CC after 10 hits and go into the oc. RH for the remainder of the CC. Posted by strider86 on 11:24:2001 02:48 AM: thanks for your posts keep um coming because i want to learn a-groove as best as i can. and i want to at least have some combos for every character. Well as for me i'm just sticking with simple cc like kim's qcb+k over and over then super. but i'm practicing on gunter's a-groove thing! Posted by strider86 on 11:24:2001 06:21 PM: hey you guys got anygood one's for ryo. i can't dl them on my p1 so could you guys right out some combos. thanks keep this thread alive . Posted by hyt on 11:25:2001 12:39 AM: Havoc911: I tried doing various Kyo ground CCs today and got hte following results: (1-3 end in Mu Shiki) 1.a. {HP, qcf+MP} x n, df+HK, 22 hits, 6804 dmg 1.b. {HP, qcf+MP} x 5, df+HK x n, 21 hits, 6704 dmg 2.a. {c.HP, qcf+HP} x n, df+HK, 21 hits, 6464 dmg 2.b. {c.HP, qcf+HP} x 5, df+HK, 22 hits, 6564 dmg 3.a. {s.HP, qcf+HP} x n, df+HK, 21 hits, 6960 dmg 3.b. {s.HP, qcf+HP} x 5, df+HK, 23 htis 7060 dmg 4. dp+MP, c.HP, c.HP x n, Orochinagi, 11 hits, 6304 dmg Just FYI Posted by Havoc911 on 11:25:2001 02:45 AM: Yeah, 3.b. is the one I mentioned earlier. It's also the first CC i came up with for anyone in this game. *smiles with father's pride* Posted by Shoto-ism™ on 11:26:2001 07:50 PM: How did BAS do that Bison CC in the end of his video? I think I know, but I am not to sure. Posted by strider86 on 11:30:2001 04:34 AM: Hey tragic i watched your videos at my friend blue sentinel's place and i was wondering if you could type out thouse combos you did. my comp sucks so i can't dl them. Posted by Gunter on 11:30:2001 06:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by hyt Havoc911: I tried doing various Kyo ground CCs today and got hte following results: (1-3 end in Mu Shiki) 1.a. {HP, qcf+MP} x n, df+HK, 22 hits, 6804 dmg 1.b. {HP, qcf+MP} x 5, df+HK x n, 21 hits, 6704 dmg 2.a. {c.HP, qcf+HP} x n, df+HK, 21 hits, 6464 dmg 2.b. {c.HP, qcf+HP} x 5, df+HK, 22 hits, 6564 dmg 3.a. {s.HP, qcf+HP} x n, df+HK, 21 hits, 6960 dmg 3.b. {s.HP, qcf+HP} x 5, df+HK, 23 htis 7060 dmg 4. dp+MP, c.HP, c.HP x n, Orochinagi, 11 hits, 6304 dmg Just FYI 5. s.fierce x3, s.roundhouse, d/f roundhouse (1 hit), s.fierce, s.roundhouse x2, d/f roundhouse (2 hits)xN (till hit #20, actually), QCTx2+P 7880 You can obviously do more w/ a jump-in before activation. Posted by Gunter on 11:30:2001 06:28 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 hey you guys got anygood one's for ryo. i can't dl them on my p1 so could you guys right out some combos. thanks keep this thread alive . s.fierce x2 [HCB+fierce (one hit), s.fierce]x5, f-b-f+fierce, QCT-HCB+P = 7420 dmg Posted by hyt on 11:30:2001 02:14 PM: Sugoi! Arigatou gozaimasu! (excuse me for my poor spelling) I think I'm gonna get dizzy remembering the button presses... I thought we left the dial-a-combos at the MvC2 machine ne? Gunter, do you have any good suggestions for CvS2 guides? It's sad that Arcadia hasn't announced a CvS2 guide (on their website at least) and I missed the boat on a guide published by futaba-sha on eBay. I figure that you get a lot of exposure to the japanese mags so I thought I'd ask. Too bad they're gone but Gamest owned them all! Posted by Zoiks! on 11:30:2001 11:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 hey you guys got anygood one's for ryo. The one I use for Ryo is: cr. HK, st. HP, RDP+HP, [cr. HP, RDP+MP] x2, cr. HP, FBF+HP, QCFHCB+P If I recall correctly it does around 8000pts with a ratio 2 Ryo, I'd be more specific but my DC's joystick is falling apart and I can't use the pad worth squat. Zoiks! Posted by strider86 on 11:30:2001 11:28 PM: i have another question, how can us a-groove users compete against people that have 100% c groove combos? Posted by margalis on 12:01:2001 12:40 AM: Ryo corner non-juggling CC: Stand fierce x2, low rh, stand rh x3, jab zanrutsu-ken, fierce zanrutsu-ken (the f,b,f + p move, whatever you call it), beatdown super. I forget how much this does exactly but it was around 8600...quite a lot. Outside the corner you want to do stand fierces and mix in the hcb+punch (one hit) to keep you in range, then finish with one zanrutsu-ken and then super. (I don't remember if beatdown super will work, fireball one does) Posted by water on 12:01:2001 06:07 AM: Mai's easy cc anywhere within st RH range (which is pretty far): [st. RH] X 10, [cr. FW] X n, cr. SH. st. SH xx killer bees surprisingly damaging for such an easy CC! Posted by hyt on 12:01:2001 06:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 i have another question, how can us a-groove users compete against people that have 100% c groove combos? There's 100% C-Groove combos? This can't be the same ratio can it? Posted by strider86 on 12:01:2001 06:15 AM: well has anyone found any 100% a-groove combos. i was talking to psx and he said that you work hard in a-groove which is true but if there is please post it. Posted by Gunter on 12:01:2001 08:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by margalis Ryo corner non-juggling CC: Stand fierce x2, low rh, stand rh x3, jab zanrutsu-ken, fierce zanrutsu-ken (the f,b,f + p move, whatever you call it), beatdown super. Won't you be juggling after the low rh??? quote: Outside the corner you want to do stand fierces and mix in the hcb+punch (one hit) to keep you in range, then finish with one zanrutsu-ken and then super. (I don't remember if beatdown super will work, fireball one does) Beatdown super works but you have to time it right. Fireball super is much safer. Posted by Gunter on 12:01:2001 09:14 AM: That Ryo CC with the RDPs is hard! Incidentally, you can combo into his CC anywhere on the screen - jump in hit, c.strong, HCB+fierce, activate, f-b-f+jab x3, f-b-f+fierce, super does a grip of damage. Posted by strider86 on 12:02:2001 02:46 AM: hey seems like i'm asking so much questions in here but hey that's why i made this thread. does anyone know the commands on how to do james chen's combo video with the links in them? Posted by Ookima on 12:02:2001 07:19 AM: KYO OTG combo.... Talking about AGroove...I remembered that off the ground combo that BAS did in his Basic Combo video in A Groove...anyone have an idea what he did to "pick" the opponent off the floor??? I tried to put the video in slow-mo but even then...whatever BAS did was too fast even for slow-mo... Posted by noswad on 12:02:2001 05:03 PM: If it was a throw OTG, it was done against Dan or Rolento.. If not, you're prolly thinking of the Kyo CC where he uses the last hit of the aragame-whatever chain to hit his opponent while they are on the ground, and then stands them back up. (maybe yama can do the same thing?) Must be nice to be able to play these games months before anyone else. Posted by strider86 on 12:02:2001 09:34 PM: Hey Gunter you got any other good customs for rock other then the one on your thread. Posted by sfr on 12:03:2001 12:51 AM: kind of a waste of gauge, but with Ryo, I've done a couple of times: use the CC activation to blow through a fireball, then do the db-f flying kick, after the first hit, before they get knocked away, cancel into air fireball, and then keep doing air fb's. sometimes you can swap in a jumpkick and or stop doing fireballs and be close enough to finish with a super, (particularly if the enemy was in the corner) but a lot of times if you stop you get pushed away. (sometimes this happens if yr timing is off) but i haven't figured out how to do it consistently. pretty useless other than to close space unexpectedly, i tend to use it when i know it will kill off an opponent that's close to death, because otherwise it seems to be kind of a waste of a CC. Posted by Gunter on 12:03:2001 06:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 Hey Gunter you got any other good customs for rock other then the one on your thread. Rock has basically two ways of advancing. The first and easiest is his Hard Edge (qcb+punch). If you're going for a grounded CC, you use the fierce version and cancel it into a ground hit before the second hit (see the SRK A-Groove video). Or, you can juggle them w/ c.fierce and delay a strong Hard Edge. Either way is super easy. The second way is by super jumping. For example, you can do c.fierce x3, c.rh, c.fierce, whiff c.jab, sj.rh x2, sj.forward, land, sj.rh, sj.forward, then when you're in the corner, d-u+strong or fierce if you have enough time. End w/ super. I was able to do 7196 with this variation, slightly out of the opposite corner. Posted by ryucross on 12:03:2001 10:11 PM: Bison/Vega Does anyone have some good Bison(Vega in japan) CCs? I'm trying to destroy a friend who abuses C groove Kyo, and all I know is endless DP motion + Punch Posted by strider86 on 12:03:2001 11:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gunter Rock has basically two ways of advancing. The first and easiest is his Hard Edge (qcb+punch). If you're going for a grounded CC, you use the fierce version and cancel it into a ground hit before the second hit (see the SRK A-Groove video). Or, you can juggle them w/ c.fierce and delay a strong Hard Edge. Either way is super easy. The second way is by super jumping. For example, you can do c.fierce x3, c.rh, c.fierce, whiff c.jab, sj.rh x2, sj.forward, land, sj.rh, sj.forward, then when you're in the corner, d-u+strong or fierce if you have enough time. End w/ super. I was able to do 7196 with this variation, slightly out of the opposite corner. question can you super jump and do all that or after the first roundhouse you have to rejump then continue? also ink or omni where's my avatar? Posted by Gunter on 12:04:2001 08:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 question can you super jump and do all that or after the first roundhouse you have to rejump then continue? In the version I did, I super jumped, did the 3 hits (sj.rh x2, sj.forward), landed, then super jumped again for 2 more hits (sj.rh, sj.forward). Depending on how far you are from the corner, you may or may not have to super jump - you can make do with a regular jump. You obviously can skip the whole beginning and do only sweep into the air combos... but that's much less damaging. Also, his Hard Edge combos are more damaging in the long run I think... Posted by omni on 12:04:2001 11:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 question can you super jump and do all that or after the first roundhouse you have to rejump then continue? also ink or omni where's my avatar? Huh? How am I being brought into this? Derek Daniels Posted by strider86 on 12:05:2001 02:33 AM: was just asking a question what's up with my avatar where's strider and his oros? Posted by strider86 on 12:12:2001 05:22 AM: has anyone come up with some good customs for guile? other then the one on gunter's article. man o man i miss my strider86 avatar damn you whoever lost it! Posted by Gunter on 12:12:2001 08:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by strider86 has anyone come up with some good customs for guile? other then the one on gunter's article. man o man i miss my strider86 avatar damn you whoever lost it! Unfortunately, that's about as good as it gets. Unlike most anti-air specials, Guile's Flash Kick can't be cancelled while he's still on the ground, so you can't use it for an anti-air custom. If you're just looking for something different, you can go for a LOT less damage and do a stupid juggling custom - c.rh, close s.rh, whiff c.jab, [sj.fierce, sj.rh]x3, close s.rh xN, either super. REALLY dumb. Posted by strider86 on 12:12:2001 03:01 PM: Posted by shadowcharlie on 12:13:2001 01:34 AM: well i might as well put my scrubby bison (vega) and terry combos: bison: in corner or near it, d.hkXXd. hpXX(hp)psycrusher,hp,hp,(hp)psycrusher,hp,hp,(hp) psychrusher,mp,mpXXnightkneepress depending on the timing it does from 6809to7208 terry: corner,d.hp,,risingTACKLE(HP)X2 XX buster wolf-risisng tackle (hp) Posted by 26 on 12:13:2001 12:49 PM: i need some help with using Ken's "the Ken CC". this is how i use it: [activate CC] c.FK, (f+RK) x n, shoryureppa problem is when it gets blocked anywhere in the process. this really only happens in the beginning (due to mistiming). so while the opponent blocks i stick in a random f+FK (his overhead), hoping to catch em blocking low and get the full damage on that shoryureppa. problem is people have become used to this, and when that overhead comes i usually get blocked/swept/jabbed/suppered. so i'm wondering what people do to save his CC when it gets scrambled. my last guess is his flopkick (b,d,db+K). the move is an overhead, but it floors em... if this has been discussed in detail already, just point the way... Posted by water on 12:13:2001 05:01 PM: With Ken you can start doing continuous FB's if they start blocking. This way you can at least get a little chip damage and a possible guard break. Or you could just go for a throw to get a little damage. I am not sure what else you can do when your cc gets broken. Otherwise you could just get more practice doing his cc. And this might sound sorta suicidal...but sometimes when my cc is blocked or if I mess up...I take a hit on purpose just to preserve my meter. I don't do this too often though for obvious reasons...eating super comboe, etc. Posted by Zoiks! on 12:14:2001 01:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by 26 i need some help with using Ken's "the Ken CC". this is how i use it: [activate CC] c.FK, (f+RK) x n, shoryureppa problem is when it gets blocked anywhere in the process. this really only happens in the beginning (due to mistiming). so while the opponent blocks i stick in a random f+FK (his overhead), hoping to catch em blocking low and get the full damage on that shoryureppa. problem is people have become used to this, and when that overhead comes i usually get blocked/swept/jabbed/suppered. so i'm wondering what people do to save his CC when it gets scrambled. my last guess is his flopkick (b,d,db+K). the move is an overhead, but it floors em... if this has been discussed in detail already, just point the way... Change it up with another crouch MK, keep them guessing. You can't expect to catch people with an overhead if you don't give them a reason to block low... That or you might try a roll, it could get you through their attempted counter and leave you in a position to start your CC again. Zoiks! Posted by 26 on 12:14:2001 03:41 AM: Zoiks: they already block low all the time actually, and when they see the overhead coming all they need to do is tap RK. roll? interesting theory. i'll try it next time i play. but if it doesn't work, i guess the only option left would be to make it guard-crush CC. water: repeated hadokens... seems sound theoretically to me. i'll try it next time i get a chance. thanks. maybe flooring them with the flopkick, then going for a high/low mixup as they get up? Posted by strider86 on 01:28:2002 09:14 PM: hey a-groove experts could someone teach me some advance stuff cuz like i want to learn how to beat people that use a and c groove? Posted by jballa1 on 01:28:2002 10:04 PM: Can someone post some Iori CC? and how to connect them and say if the anti air or not. Posted by Gunter on 01:29:2002 01:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by jballa1 Can someone post some Iori CC? and how to connect them and say if the anti air or not. A simple search will get you this thread - Posted by Omilit on 01:29:2002 11:43 PM: Does Honda, or Rugal have a really good CC (if so what?)? What should I use if i wiff, or they happen to block in the middle of the CC? Or should I just leave them in N-groove for the better? thanks Posted by Slash on 01:30:2002 12:30 AM: What groove should I use for: Blanka/Bison/Sagat(2) Besides Bison would you suggest any CC's for them? Rolento/Cammy(2)/Yun Could you suggest a good groove for this team? What are some tight CC's with them? Posted by strider86 on 02:26:2002 07:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Slash What groove should I use for: Blanka/Bison/Sagat(2) Besides Bison would you suggest any CC's for them? Rolento/Cammy(2)/Yun Could you suggest a good groove for this team? What are some tight CC's with them? you should definetly read gunter's thread on a-groove and the basics. speaking of that hey gunter could you tell me the exact timing on the dp canceling a combos they seem hard? Posted by Raz0r on 02:27:2002 12:29 AM: Do any of you guys have a translation for the keys you use in the A-groove combo description. This would help alot of us out. Thank you. Posted by strider86 on 02:27:2002 12:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by Raz0r Do any of you guys have a translation for the keys you use in the A-groove combo description. This would help alot of us out. Thank you. umm try gunter's a-groove thread if not i'll ask him to post about what the keys mean! Posted by strider86 on 03:09:2002 09:09 AM: hehe know one posts there combos anymore! well i'm still kickin it with the basics. now i use rock,terry and kim or ken. so you how you think this team will fare at this tourney i'm going to tommarow. give me some strats or any b and b combos you got for these guys! hhaha i think i'm gonna like cvs2 better then marvel! All times are GMT. The time now is 11:19 PM. Show all 52 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.